Targeting +6% Cu in
multiple shear-hosted lodes
The Tormey Project sits in Lemhi Country approximately 10 miles southwest of Salmon, easily accessed by highways and well forest service roads. The Project holds numerous historic workings, including eight separate adits with short crosscuts and several stopes.
Shipments of hand-sorted ore from 1918 to 1920 totaled 187 tons containing 70,125 pounds of copper, 0.69 ounce of gold, and 116 ounces of silver; a second shipment of hand-sorted ore in 1922 totaled 26 tons containing 10,036 pounds of copper; each averaging 17% copper.

Rocks forming Tormey are mainly metamorphosed arkosic sandstones, quartzite and quartzitic slate belonging to the Gunsight Formation of the Lemhi Group. Mineralized lodes strike northwest and dip steeply to the northeast, comprising chalcopyrite and pyrite in a gangue of quartz and altered slate. The chalcopyrite is altered to a dark black-maroon copper-bearing pitch (tenorite) within an oxidized zone near the surface, which was the target of historic small-scale mining due to its ease of processing.
Idaho Copper corp plans a 2500m drill program to test the extensions of these high grade surface zones at depth, advancing one of the highest-grade, accessible copper opportinities within the entire Idaho Copper province.