Archean Cu-Ag-Au-Zn-Pb VMS
The Monument Project comprises nearly 600 acres of combined BLM unpatented lode claims and private lease. Located southwest of Dillon, MT, near the ID border, Archean-aged rocks are mineralized with chalcopyrite, sphalerite, and silver sulphides disseminated over wide intervals of rock. In some places, the mineralization forms semi – massive concentrations, indicative of a ancient VMS mineralizing system.

A small pilot drill program in 2021 tested several shallow sites near historic workings and intercepted the upper levels of the mineralized horizon. Three lines of IP geophysics following up on the drill campaign encountered a large chargeability and conductivity high at depth, extending throughout the entire project, consistent with the interpretation of a larger VMS system extending below the surface. Approximately 3000m of drilling is planned to intercept and test these targets, potentially uncovering one of the most significant discoveries in the region in the last decade.